The Program

The course is packed with a variety of classroom based studies and practical training’s in the forests or on expeditions in all seasons of the year. Sounds like an amazing year of adventures? Technically yes that’s true, its probably the best school I’ve ever been to. But in reality there is a huge amount of stuff to cover and proficiency tests throughout the next months.

Luckily the course is taught in English, otherwise I would despicably fail. My Finnish knowledge is poor. Like very poor. I mean have you ever listened to the Finnish language? No? Then check this out and you will understand why. I mean seriously?!

The essential parts of the program are wilderness skills, nature and tourism, entrepreneurship and marketing skills, customer service and knowledge of human nature.

And not to forget the incredible highlights: Real expeditions to remote areas in Finland and Russia.

Aim is to plan and implement them more and more independently, without the help from supervisors eventually.

Got curious and thinking about starting a new adventure as well?

Go for it. Just click here (link not working unfortunately atm) to visit the colleges’ website for more info about the course.



Our Expeditions


Here is a selection of our challenging expeditions over the 10 months course duration. We moved by foot, canoe and skies through vast and mostly untouched wilderness:

  • in October, 8 days’ hiking trip to Russia (Paanajärvi National Park)

  • in February, a 7 day ski trip in North-Eastern Finland

  • in April The Bear Ski - It´s a solo backcountry skiing trek for nine days in the forests of northern Lapland

  • in May, a one week canoe trip on a river and lake route in Central Finland

  • in June, one week trip to the Archipelago of Baltic Sea to explore plant and bird life